Great for bulk meat storage
One great way to save money in food purchasing lies in purchasing meat in bulk. Many meat markets will sell quarter, half, or full “beefs” or whole and half, cut to your specification. When you buy in bulk, you can save a considerable amount, sometimes between 25 and 33 percent off your usual food bill.Unfortunately, it’s pretty much impossible to fit that much meat into a conventional refrigerator freezer. A chest freezer, however, provides plenty of space to store bulk meat without taking up much room in your home.
Store fresh produce to eat next winter
Love that great summertime produce all year long? A chest freezer can give you plenty of room to keep those delicious fruits and vegetables long after growing season ends. It allows you to make sure that you lose no produce to spoilage, again helping you to save money in your food budget.Plus there is nothing quite like enjoying garden- or farm-fresh produce in the middle of winter.
Plenty of space for pre-made meals
If saving time means as much or more than money, a chest freezer can help out here as well. Many have found that making meals in bulk and dividing them into multiple portions helps to save time when you need lunch or dinner on the go. One simply makes a large amount of a freezer-friendly food, divides it into meal-sized portions, then stores it in freezer-safe containers.Home-cooked meals are also generally less expensive and more healthy. Premade meals can serve as a lifesaver for those living in remote areas without convenient delivery or take away service.
Though convenient in many ways, pre-made meals in freezer-safe containers take up a lot of room. Having a chest freezer allows for plenty of space to keep pre-made meals.
Chest freezers add to your household’s food storage convenience while saving money. Check out how much you can save when you buy in bulk or cook and store pre-made food. In the long term, you will appreciate their convenience.