With everything the average student has to accomplish in a day, there is not much time left to think about or plan healthy meals. This includes shopping and food preparation. Additionally, many student apartments lack full kitchens. But, you can still make healthy and nutritious meals in a microwave making
microwave oven hire the ideal solution for students renting apartments or in apartment accommodation. If you're not sure what the benefits of having a microwave are, read on!
1. Microwave Meals can be Nutritious
- When people think of microwave meals, they usually think of something that is fast but not the best for you. However, you can actually buy pre-made meals that the manufacturers design to be healthy, filling and a full balanced meal. Even a slightly unhealthy microwave meal is typically better for you than buying a burger or chips.
2. Save on Time
- Students have extremely busy days between classes, studying and work, so they don't usually have a lot of time to prepare meals. Microwave meals are fast, and they only take minutes out of the day instead of the hour or two that typical meals take. You can pop your food into a microwave, heat it up and take it with you to your next study session or work.
3. High Vitamin and Mineral Content
- When you cook food the traditional way, you can lose a lot of the ingredient's original vitamin and mineral content. Because most microwave meals require little or no water, and they cook in a fraction of the time, the nutrients and vitamins won't leach out. Things like vegetables, casseroles, burritos, potatoes and soup are good examples.
4. Budget Friendly Food
- If you've ever gone grocery shopping, you know it can be expensive very fast. Studies show that a single person spends an average of $122 per week on food and drink items alone. For a student, this can be a huge portion of their budget. In contrast, most frozen meals cost just a few dollars each, and even if you eat them three times a day, it's still less expensive than going grocery shopping each week. You will also find you have less food wastage.
Hire a Microwave Today!
Don't have a microwave and don't have the money to buy one outright? Well we can help. We have flexible microwave hire contracts that allow you to pay a small fee each month to hire a microwave from our site. You'll be able to make healthy and fast meals whenever you need while staying within your budget.